About Us

In our Kewdale Primary School community, we have 253 students from Kindergarten to Year 6’s.  The students are placed in classes with a mixture of straight year levels and composite classes. We are very proud of the multi-culturalism within the school, and we regularly enjoy celebrating with families from over 30 backgrounds. We acknowledge our success as a school and community is magnified by our diversity and that the community bring learning opportunities that complement the teaching skills of our staff. Any contribution that families can make to their child’s learning journey is valued, respected and appreciated, where collaboration, support and partnering is welcomed and encouraged.

Student outcomes are at the centre of every decision that is made. Our purpose is to ensure that all students leave our school well prepared for their future. We provide opportunities to develop the skills, knowledge and confidence they need to achieve their individual potential and play an active part in civic and economic life.

Apart from the class teacher, the students have the opportunity to learn from a specialist in Science, Physical Education, Japanese and Music.  Specialist teachers are also involved in delivering stimulating and effective STEM and ICT programmes. Through music, students are able to join the school choir where they are given opportunities to represent the school for special occasions. We are also fortunate to have strong links with Belmont City College and through this, select students can take advantage of drama sessions. 

The school has a long-standing partnership with the district’s Primary Extension and Challenge programme (PEAC), where students are selected to attend to be challenged and extended. We have a school-based support programme based on MultiLit, MiniLit and IntiaLit. These are designed to assist students to reach their potential and to help ensure that all students are given equal opportunity for success.