The P & C Association is the school’s parent organisation. All parents are invited and encouraged to become members.
It is actively involved in providing support for improving the education environment of the school. Meetings are week 4 & 7 of the term on Tuesday evening commencing at 6.00 p.m.
We invite all interested parents to come along for our first meeting for 2024.
At our Annual General Meeting, all positions will be declared vacant and new nominees elected.
We are always looking for new faces to keep the P & C up and running, so you may want to consider joining the committee in either an executive or general committee capacity. Even if you can’t commit to a committee position, it is still great to have parents join us at meetings also. If you are interested in getting to find out a bit more about your school, this is a valuable forum to attend.
Mrs Natalie Oddy, our Principal, attends these meetings also.
Parents wishing to have input into the School Council can raise issues at the P & C meeting.
An AGM is held in February of each year to elect Office Bearers.