Interschool cross country at Tomato Lake today. Our team has been training at Tomato Lake before school to ensure they did their best for Kewdale. It was a close finish this year with the top 5 schools within 50 points. Kewdale came in 4th and should be very proud of their efforts.
Individual winners
- Year 5 girls – Paige 1st
- Year 5 boys – Flynn 2nd, Linkin 3rd
- Year 6 girls – Mariam 2nd
Team winners
- Year 5 girls
- Year 5 boys
Well done to captains Mariam and Andrei for being such fantastic role models
Special mention to our two reserves who stepped in to fill a spot in the race – Year 3 Ashton, Year 5 Zachary and Year 5 Georgia.
Thanks to Mr K, Ms Giggins and Mrs Cornwall for their help today. Very BIG thank you to Mrs Piani for all the organising of our school teams, a great job done as always.