At the end of Term 3, the students from Year 1 to Year 6 participated in an incursion from SERCUL to teach us about mosquitoes. We learned about mosquito’s role in the ecosystem as decomposers and food for other animals. We also learned how mosquitoes can carry diseases and the importance of preventing them from breading around our homes in small water sources.
The presenters, Rose and Natasha, brought samples of water for us to view the small aquatic macroinvertebrates living in them. One sample was from water that had collected in a discarded tyre; it had lots of mosquito larvae in it. The other samples were from a healthy wetland which had lots of macroinvertebrates for us to observe. One of the favourites was the caddisfly larvae who make their home in a small stick.
Students were given brochures to tell their families about mosquitoes and with a checklist to prevent mosquitoes breeding around our homes.
The students had an enjoyable time looking at all the macroinvertebrates and learning new things about mosquitoes. This free incursion from SERCUL was sponsored by the City of Belmont.